Toothache |
One can prevent the majority of dental problems through flossing, brushing with fluoride toothpaste, and having teeth professionally cleaned on a regular schedule. The dentist may apply sealants and fluoride, which are especially important in children.
Causes of Toothaches
Toothaches occur from inflammation of the central portion of the tooth called pulp. The pulp contains nerve endings that are very sensitive to pain. Inflammation to the pulp or pulpits’ may be caused by dental cavities.
Tooth pain is always a case for the dentist. However, the pains usually occur at times in which the physician has no office of trust. Maybe the person concerned but also only want to try a home remedy before they go in expert hands. Here there are a number of different simple means, which can alleviate a toothache.
Not every home remedy helps everyone. So that should be one or the other simply tried. Also, the gut feeling is important. If, for example, the speech of chamomile and reject those affected this plant categorically, so they probably will not help. Here then another home remedy should be sought.
Toothaches have diverse causes. Home remedies intended to alleviate this somewhat, the gang are pending to the dentist. Caution to the use of home remedies, especially after tooth extractions (extractions). By the removal of a tooth is formed an opening in the microorganisms should in no case penetrate, so only mouth washes are useful here in the first place. Direct application of any of these solutions or oils is contraindicated. This applies even after root canal treatment.
Home remedies do not replace a trip to the dentist. When vacancies in the mouth rinsing and gargling direct contact with oils, tinctures or spices is generally preferable.
In the application of tinctures or essential oils must always be ensured that they are used only in homeopathic doses. Otherwise, can worsen already existing inflammation and may also worsen the toothache.
Especially with the use of essential oils is to pay attention to quality and purity. Not any oil suitable for use in the oral cavity. Impure oils can lead to unpleasant side effects such as inflammation, allergy or nausea
The following home remedies that can be applied to dental problems, are not necessarily in every household. This includes, for example, the propels tincture. This has numerous applications. It is used to boost the immune system, for the treatment of allergies, sore throats, colds, but also for toothache. Either is rinsed with diluted propels tincture and gargled or applied them directly on the painful area.
Similar effect is the tea tree oil, which also has a large range of applications. This oil is mainly known in the external use as a home remedy for athlete's foot or insect bites. A drop in a glass of lukewarm water helps a sore throat and can also bring relief from toothache. Per applied to the painful area, but the application should be made only in homeopathic quantities.
Furthermore, the experiments with clover, also known as sweet clover, address the toothache worth. A few drops of tincture in a glass of water for washing or gargling own. Even the Steinmetz can be used for this purpose. Yarrow is also help for toothache. Of these, one cup is drunk every morning and evening. In addition, rosemary leaves with security not found in every household, but if they can be chewed, also help with a toothache.
For the treatment of pain in the mouth different healing stones can be used in addition. For this, the approaches are suitable according to the crystal healing of the blue calcite and amber. The latter is known for having positive support teething in infants and young children. For toothache the stone for a while to the affected cheek side is held.
Instead of the above-mentioned clove can be used as an alternative, the essential oil of clove. This is just like the tea tree oil, very carefully dabbed in the smallest amount to the affected area. An ancient home remedy is also the myrrh tincture, easily and inexpensively. This can help diluted as a rinse or applied neat for toothache. Cinnamon oil is also agents that already have used as a home remedy for toothache our grandmothers. This is applied undiluted on the aching tooth. But even here the principle is "less is more".
The consumption of green tea is generally very healthy. However, this can also be used as a mouth rinse to tackle pain in the oral cavity.
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