6 Simple but most effective Exercise Steps at your home
Exercise Steps |
Having a shapely body that attracts everyone's attention, who does not want to? In a survey, whether they put on it look good great value, answered 78 percent of surveyed men and women with Yes. This show how important still occupies the exterior in our society. Most people are really happy with your body, if it were not for the problem areas! An eternal battle against flab on the belly, thick thighs or cellulite makes life difficult for us. Very important on this issue for both men and women is a round butt.
But how does one get for a tight rump that looks good both in jeans and in a miniskirt? The good news first, you must not immediately conclude an annual subscription for the gym and spend not your whole workday with training. A few minutes of practice range every day and you can complete the whole comfort of your home.
At home? Yes! Made possible by simple handy and above all effective sports paraphernalia that is it for the living room. You do not need to necessarily buy expensive at the dealer. This exercise equipment you can get now almost everywhere. The prices are then perfectly acceptable and a real competitor to expensive courses in the Hackitude.
But we will now look at the tight bum. The following exercises can be individually but also perform in series. It is important, as with any sport that you warm up before. Only when the muscles warmed and are soft, you start training for a firm bottom. Cause all the exercises that you off fat and build muscle.
Exercise 1 - the Bridge in the supine position
To begin with the first exercise for a firm bottom, you need an exercise mat or other non-slip surface.
6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step
Step 1
Spread the fitness mat and lay down flat on his back on the floor.
Step 2
Her arms are laterally next to the body. The hands touching the inner surfaces of the ground.
Step 3
Please not forget your legs so that you have a firm grip on the mat.
Step 4
Now lift your butt and the whole basin to form a single line to back, butt and thighs.
Step 5
Hold this position for 5 seconds and then lower the body back.
»Training Loop: approximately 10 times
Exercise 2 - the Bridge in the prone position
To perform the second exercise for a firm bottom, a fitness mat is also sufficient. Best off sneakers, barefoot you have a better grip.
6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step
Step 1
Lie flat on the floor, this time with the belly down.
Step 2
Support yourself with your toes and set the body on your forearms.
Step 3
With arms and toes you press the entire body upward. Check out this best on the mat, then the spine remains in a straight position.
Step 4
Tighten your butt muscles and pull in his stomach. If possible, remain in this position for at least 30 seconds.
»Training Loop: approximately 5 times
Exercise 3 - Crispy Po with yoga elements
Even standing, you can ensure a streamlining of the item. Like the exercise at first glance looks quite simple, you will feel the tension from the feet to the neck area.
6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step
Step 1
Set up straight. Again, use a non-slip surface.
Step 2
Now fold your hands in front of chest (yoga pose), so when you wanted to pray, and press them firmly together.
Step 3
Tighten your gluts and go slowly into a crouch.
Step 4
Move your butt now turns to the left and right, without going out of the squat out. The faster you do this exercise, the better.
»Exercise Repeat: up to 3 times
Exercise 4 - Fixed Po thanks to rubber band
In addition to the already existing exercise mat, a rubber band is now still needed. The aim of this exercise is to streamline the pos exclusively on pure footwork.
6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step
Step 1
Lie down with the right side on the mat. Support yourself with the ulna of the right arm. The left arm is in front of your belly or on the left thigh.
Step 2
The legs remain for the time being superposed. The Band is placed around the soles of the feet or ankles.
Step 3
Now lift the left leg and straighten out while the band. If you find it difficult to keep the body on the arm, you can rest her head on his right hand.
Step 4
The band is now streamlined always in change (min. Hold 2 minutes) and relaxed. Depending on your condition then switch to the left side and start over.
»Exercise repeat: at least 8 times.
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Exercise 5 - strengthens buttocks
As promised, you can also perform the following exercise easily at home. The already proven mat is used again as a base, Shoes you draw from the best.
6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step
Step 1
Kneel on the floor and support yourself with your hand as if you wanted to walk on all fours.
Step 2
Try to take a posture as straight as possible (belly move, stretched back).
Step 3
Now lift to either the left or right leg. Stretch it until you feel enough tension in the buttocks.
Step 4
Then press the extended leg as far up as you make it. Hold voltage!
Step 5
Hold this position for at least 10 seconds (the longer the more effective) and then switch to the other leg.
»Exercise repeat: at least 10 times on each side.
Exercise 6 - weight shift strengthens the Pomuske
Last but not least then there's an exercise machine into play, which is always greater popularity: the dumbbell. To tighten your butt, but you should lift heavy weights, but arms and legs coordinate so that your buttocks muscles are built of it.
6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step
Step 1
Take the dumbbells in hand and set down straight. Spread now one leg forward and the other backward, as if you wanted to go with long strides.
Step 2
The rear leg can be stretched quiet deep, which increases the training effect. Your back stays straight!
Step 3
Hold for a few seconds in this position and then start start moving without moving from the spot. A leg forward, the other to the rear and vice verse, In this case, always make sure that your entire body, especially the buttocks, is live.
Step 4
Simultaneously with the leg movement the arms are swung before with the dumbbells and back. Fast walking describes this exercise probably best.
»Exercise repeat: at least 15 times on each side.
To get a tight butt, ranging from a few exercises every day You hardly need Equipment, can stay at home and save your money for expensive fitness classes. Only the weaker to be overcome, because the will and the time you must have. The effort is worth it, I promise!