
Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Problem of Broken Nails

Brittle fingernails 
Brittle nails can have many different causes. This ranges from vitamin deficiency on different diseases and even the contact with solvents or alkalies. Sometimes brittle occur, splintering nails without apparent reason to. Read here everything you need for common causes and treatment options of brittle fingernails.
Brittle fingernails estimated to occur in about 20 percent of the population. Women are affected twice as often as men.
From schizophrenia doctors speak when the nail from the free edge of her layered (Carmella) chipping. Possible causes may be, for example, vitamin or iron deficiency, malnutrition, an under-active thyroid, or frequent contact with water and / or chemicals.
Brittle fingernails: Causes and possible diseases
Common causes of brittle fingernails are:
Chemicals: The frequent contact with chemicals such as soaps, dish-washing detergents and or nail polish remover can cause brittle nails.
Vitamin deficiency: Thin, brittle fingernails can be a sign of a lack of vitamin B, vitamin C, biotin, frolic acid or calamine. A lack of vitamin A (retinal) causes dry, splintering, brittle fingernails. Conversely, can make the nails brittle and an overdose of vitamin A.
Mineral deficiency: The reason for brittle nails can also be a calcium deficiency. Come cracks added in the corners of the mouth (fissures), pallor, fatigue, chills, tinnitus and / or headache, anemia may be behind due to iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia).
Skin diseases: Sometimes can be brittle fingernails on a skin condition such as nail fungus, psoriasis (psoriasis), eczema or lichen planes (Lichen Planes) back lead.
Thyroid disease: Both an under-active thyroid (hypothyroidism) and an under-active parathyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) may be responsible for brittle nails. Other diseases of the endocrine system come into question as a cause of brittle nails. This applies especially if other symptoms like shaggy hair, general fatigue, rapid fallibility, sweating, heart palpitations, weight and blood pressure changes or skin dryness added.
Rheumatoid arthritis (chronic poly-arthritis): This chronic inflammatory joint disease is the most common form of rheumatic disease. It can cause, among other lackluster, brittle fingernails, nail growth disorders and small hemorrhages under the nails.
Gyro-static agents: These agents inhibit the growth of cells that reproduce quickly. Chemotherapeutic agents are used primarily in cancer therapy. A possible side effect of chemotherapy can be thin, brittle fingernails.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Simple but most effective Exercise Steps at your home

6 Simple but most effective Exercise Steps at your home

Exercise Steps
Having a shapely body that attracts everyone's attention, who does not want to? In a survey, whether they put on it look good great value, answered 78 percent of surveyed men and women with Yes. This show how important still occupies the exterior in our society. Most people are really happy with your body, if it were not for the problem areas! An eternal battle against flab on the belly, thick thighs or cellulite makes life difficult for us. Very important on this issue for both men and women is a round butt.

But how does one get for a tight rump that looks good both in jeans and in a miniskirt? The good news first, you must not immediately conclude an annual subscription for the gym and spend not your whole workday with training. A few minutes of practice range every day and you can complete the whole comfort of your home.

At home? Yes! Made possible by simple handy and above all effective sports paraphernalia that is it for the living room. You do not need to necessarily buy expensive at the dealer. This exercise equipment you can get now almost everywhere. The prices are then perfectly acceptable and a real competitor to expensive courses in the Hackitude.

But we will now look at the tight bum. The following exercises can be individually but also perform in series. It is important, as with any sport that you warm up before. Only when the muscles warmed and are soft, you start training for a firm bottom. Cause all the exercises that you off fat and build muscle.

Exercise 1 - the Bridge in the supine position 

To begin with the first exercise for a firm bottom, you need an exercise mat or other non-slip surface.

6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step

Step 1
Spread the fitness mat and lay down flat on his back on the floor.
Step 2
Her arms are laterally next to the body. The hands touching the inner surfaces of the ground.
Step 3
Please not forget your legs so that you have a firm grip on the mat.
Step 4
Now lift your butt and the whole basin to form a single line to back, butt and thighs.
Step 5
Hold this position for 5 seconds and then lower the body back.
»Training Loop: approximately 10 times

Exercise 2 - the Bridge in the prone position 

To perform the second exercise for a firm bottom, a fitness mat is also sufficient. Best off sneakers, barefoot you have a better grip.

6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step

Step 1
Lie flat on the floor, this time with the belly down.
Step 2
Support yourself with your toes and set the body on your forearms.
Step 3
With arms and toes you press the entire body upward. Check out this best on the mat, then the spine remains in a straight position.
Step 4
Tighten your butt muscles and pull in his stomach. If possible, remain in this position for at least 30 seconds.
»Training Loop: approximately 5 times

Exercise 3 - Crispy Po with yoga elements 

Even standing, you can ensure a streamlining of the item. Like the exercise at first glance looks quite simple, you will feel the tension from the feet to the neck area.
6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step
Step 1
Set up straight. Again, use a non-slip surface.
Step 2
Now fold your hands in front of chest (yoga pose), so when you wanted to pray, and press them firmly together.
Step 3
Tighten your gluts and go slowly into a crouch.
Step 4
Move your butt now turns to the left and right, without going out of the squat out. The faster you do this exercise, the better.
»Exercise Repeat: up to 3 times

Exercise 4 - Fixed Po thanks to rubber band 

In addition to the already existing exercise mat, a rubber band is now still needed. The aim of this exercise is to streamline the pos exclusively on pure footwork.

6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step

Step 1
Lie down with the right side on the mat. Support yourself with the ulna of the right arm. The left arm is in front of your belly or on the left thigh.
Step 2
The legs remain for the time being superposed. The Band is placed around the soles of the feet or ankles.
Step 3
Now lift the left leg and straighten out while the band. If you find it difficult to keep the body on the arm, you can rest her head on his right hand.
Step 4
The band is now streamlined always in change (min. Hold 2 minutes) and relaxed. Depending on your condition then switch to the left side and start over.
»Exercise repeat: at least 8 times.

Naturally Healthy
Naturally Healthy
No chemicals! The body by natural means support!
Have you seen?
Have you seen?
Just arrived: The new collection!

Exercise 5 - strengthens buttocks 

As promised, you can also perform the following exercise easily at home. The already proven mat is used again as a base, Shoes you draw from the best.

6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step

Step 1
Kneel on the floor and support yourself with your hand as if you wanted to walk on all fours.
Step 2
Try to take a posture as straight as possible (belly move, stretched back).
Step 3
Now lift to either the left or right leg. Stretch it until you feel enough tension in the buttocks.
Step 4
Then press the extended leg as far up as you make it. Hold voltage!
Step 5
Hold this position for at least 10 seconds (the longer the more effective) and then switch to the other leg.
»Exercise repeat: at least 10 times on each side.

Exercise 6 - weight shift strengthens the Pomuske

Last but not least then there's an exercise machine into play, which is always greater popularity: the dumbbell. To tighten your butt, but you should lift heavy weights, but arms and legs coordinate so that your buttocks muscles are built of it.
6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step
Step 1
Take the dumbbells in hand and set down straight. Spread now one leg forward and the other backward, as if you wanted to go with long strides.
Step 2
The rear leg can be stretched quiet deep, which increases the training effect. Your back stays straight!
Step 3
Hold for a few seconds in this position and then start start moving without moving from the spot. A leg forward, the other to the rear and vice verse, In this case, always make sure that your entire body, especially the buttocks, is live.
Step 4
Simultaneously with the leg movement the arms are swung before with the dumbbells and back. Fast walking describes this exercise probably best.
»Exercise repeat: at least 15 times on each side.

To get a tight butt, ranging from a few exercises every day You hardly need Equipment, can stay at home and save your money for expensive fitness classes. Only the weaker to be overcome, because the will and the time you must have. The effort is worth it, I promise!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Facial Hair Removal

Facial Hair
Hair is a trim but only in the right place. It must not be the same a mustache yes, over which a woman is angry every day. What to bring plucking, creams and platting? Make laser or flash lamps for the skin always smooth?
Very few women are so self-conscious as the actress, the Associate Santa in the television firm. She is committed to its discreet hair where men have a mustache. Here, the facial hair is not so rare: Approximately every sixth woman has more or less above the upper lip increased hair growth, often even in the cheeks and the chin. Women with too much hair on the face usually try to get rid of them, and often while never running costs.
Mostly dark - - For some people, especially the southern, a certain predisposition to heavy hair growth is common. In such normality to establish itself veritable cultural rights, hair removal becomes a social event. Thus, Turkish women meet today to cozy round.
The classic wax strips or solidifying sugar solutions are, however, increasingly replaced by more modern there, less painful methods and that requires going to the doctor's office or beauty salon. Although this is less comfortable and enjoyable, but promises longer lasting successes in luck forever.
When to see a doctor
If there is already in the family women with facial hair, a doctor at this predisposition cannot change anything. We now know that fathers who get early bald, her daughters often increased hair growth (hirsute) inherit. The reason is usually a pronounced hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to testosterone. And on the other hand you can currently only limited do something.
However, it can also be an overproduction of male hormone that the reason for increased hair growth: To develop and strengthen in adolescence clear signs of masculinity in men and also in women like hair on belly and legs, or facial hair. Whether a woman has actually noticed an excess of male hormone, a specialist in hormonal issues, an endocrinologist, clarify. Ask your family doctor or the Professional Association of German endocrinologist, Phone 0 30/85 95 36 12th
In principle, the excessive hair growth can be disturbing with anti-androgens, thus reducing anti-masculinity hormones. Ant androgens have side effects. They can, if they are taken too early, affect ovarian function and impair the performance of a subsequent wish for children at least.
A case for the doctor is also present when the hair growth in adulthood changed noticeably. If he is for example, more or grows in places fixed hair, where it was previously only fluffs, Such increased hair growth is usually not only on the upper lip, but also in the chin area. Also on the fingers can delicate hairs gradually become thicker and after the pubic hair, for example, can pull him up to the navel.
Behind it, a reaction stuck on certain medications, a trigger for increased hair growth, for example cortisone. However, a significant change of body hair in adulthood may also be an indication of disease as a dysfunction of the ovaries or adrenal cortex or example, ovarian cysts. A tumor is not excluded.

get rid of hairs

In principle there are three ways to get rid of hairs on the face:

1. They are cuts on the skin surface (depilation).
2. They tear out (expiation).
3. It destroys the hair root and tries to further hair growth at this point to prevent forever.

There is no guarantee that the methods actually achieve their objective even if every single hairs and prevent further hair growth but does not give serious practitioner. They emphasize that the unwanted hair growth "under treatment is significantly less fails to completely". Who asked about benefits and risks of all the different methods, often get contradictory information. A comparative study with long-term experience is currently not available for that reason, because lasers are used for hair removal only for a comparatively short time; the success of control on the other hand needs some time. Moreover, new methods come on the market.

Whether a laser treatment is useful or not rather depends on the hair and skin type. As with the so-called flash lamp, the use is limited to dark hair with light skin which excludes a non-small circle of people.

Herbal solutions for dry and dull hair

What is Dry Hair?

dry dull hair and natural treatment
Hair, which does not have enough moisture to maintain normal shine and texture, is termed as dry hair.  Hair is made up of three layers. The outer layer is meant to protect inner layers. When the outer layer is damaged, it causes dry and dull hair. Hair follicles are connected to sebaceous glands, which discharge oil onto hair shaft. It is believed that person having dry skin may have a problem of dry hair. Hair becomes dry when natural oil from hair is removed during activities, like sunbathing, swimming in chlorinated water, overuse of hair dryers, and other styling products. Women and men of any age can develop the problem of dry hair.
Dry hair is very hard to comb. They appear like brittle or straw. There are various causes which makes hair dry and unhealthy. They are:
1. Certain medical conditions
2. Heredity problem
3. Loss of elasticity or strength
4. High porosity
5. Cuticle damage
6. Excessive washing of hair with harsh alcohols and soaps
7. Dry and hot climate (dry air)
8. Under-active thyroid
9. Malnutrition
10. Excessive use of blow dryers
11. Anorexia Nervous
12. Under-active parathyroid
13. Excessive hair-styling
14. Exposure to sun
15. Swimming in chlorinated water
16. Menses kinky hair disease
17. Lack of moisture in hair
18. Using excessive chemical treatments, like dye, relaxers, etc.
19. Using cotton pillow while sleeping
20. Dehydration
21. Skipping conditioners

Symptoms and Signs
It is very hard to deal with damaged and dry hair. The following symptoms indicate that your strands are dry:
1. Dull hair
2. Lack of luster and shine
3. Brittle or harsh texture
4. Tangled hair
5. Unmanageable rough hair
6. Split ends
7. Hair breakage
8. Hyper-absorption
9. Itchy scalp
10. Overly porous
11. No elasticity

Herbal solutions for dry and dull hair
Oily hair can be a real nuisance: Recently washed and you glue the hair back on your head, look oily and just unkempt. Luckily, there are a few simple and effective means to transform oily hair in a beautiful hair.

Where do oily hair?

Responsible for oily hair, the sebaceous glands are on the scalp. They produce in every human sebum and thus ensure that the hair stays soft and shiny. The sebaceous glands produce excessive amounts of sebum, however, are the result of oily hair. From very greasy hair is when the hair look stringy again already a few hours after washing
In many of these excessive sebum is hereditary, others prone for stress and strain to oily hair. Hormonal changes, such as during puberty or during pregnancy can lead to increased sebum production and oily hair make a permanent problem. Unhealthy food and drugs can also be triggers for oily hair - and a false or exaggerated hair care. Fine hair also works faster than thick hair greasy. But what you can do about oily hair?

What can you do for greasy hair?

Oily hair is not a flaw that you have to simply accept. With these tips and tricks include oily hair soon thing of the past!

1 The right shampoo

As a first step you should try to get oily hair with a mild anti-grease shampoo in the handle. Mild anti-grease shampoos contain particularly large wash-active substances, attractants called, and little moisturizing components. It is important that it is a mild shampoo, for to aggressive shampoos the scalp dries much of what the sebaceous glands react to protect the scalp with an even greater fat production. Herbal extracts such as chamomile, rosemary, horsetail or yarrow are particularly effective in the fight against oily hair. They soothe the scalp and regulate simultaneously the formation of fat. Rub a shampoo when washing gently and evenly into the scalp and rinse it thoroughly in the financial statements with lukewarm water again. Avoid shampoos that contain silicone - they act moisturizing and stimulate the production of sebum so on. Also note that it takes a few weeks, until you have washed all the silicons from the hair. If you after several weeks with the new hair care still have oily hair, it may be advisable to consult a dermatologist. He can give you a medicated shampoo, for example, selenium, or tar, prescribe. These shampoos are particularly effective in the fight against oily hair. Do not worry, your hair does not smell then tar.

2 Correct washing

If necessary, daily hair washing is allowed for greasy hair. It is important that you put your scalp massaging gently in the daily shampooing. This empties the glands during the washing and so they grease the hair not so fast. The rule that daily hair washing oily hair still favored, is only true if you use too aggressive shampoos. You should only twice a week use a mild anti-grease shampoo, as this dries out the scalp when used daily. On the other days you can best use a mild shampoo that maintains the balance on your head and scalp does not irritate. Use after washing no silicone or oily toiletries, with short hair you can do without a flush, a long, difficult to comb hair, you should rinse the conditioner or just massage it into your hair length and the approach and avoiding the scalp. Have a couple of days in a row at home, it is very healthy, sometimes not to wash your hair. The look looks after all nobody and if you kämmst you hair with a boar bristle brush, you distribute the fat evenly throughout your hair. This is better than any conditioner and makes your hair soft and shiny - perfect as a small beauty spa at the next cold.

3 Right blow-drying

Heat stimulates the production of sebum. So if you want to avoid oily hair, you should leave it after washing is best to air dry or blow dry briefly and with cold air as possible. Hairdryers Your hair also never approach from the direction of the tips, but only in reverse. To meet less hot air to the scalp and your hair gets more volume.

4 Right Styling

Styling products that weigh down the hair, you should avoid - so stay away from hair gel and hair wax. Griffins prefer to Argumentativeness and hairspray. In fact, it fullness in your hair and worry that the hair does not stick to the scalp - this is oily hair can once avoided.

5 The right haircut

If oily hair long been a problem for you and you could imagine a haircut quite a cheeky short haircut is the best solution for you! A short hair cut, such as a sexy pixie cut, not only looks stunning, but can appear less greasy your hair the same. Paring and blonde highlights are also a tip for greasy hair. They dry out the hair and make the increased sebum production thus useful instead of annoying.

6 First Aid for greasy hair

You have to wash a spontaneous date and time no longer goes to the hair? Do not panic, there is also little helpers for the SOS-Anti-fat use: Dry Shampoo leaves the hair short sides are less greasy and makes for a pleasant fragrance. A cap or a hat covered oily hair and can also look very stylish. The Wet-look you are generating with hair gel or hair wax, while not to everyone's taste, oily hair can no longer recognize so but because the whole head looks wet.

Toothache and herbal treatment

 Natural Toothache Relief
Toothache - pain or swelling around a tooth - can be more than just annoying, it can control your thoughts and ruin your day. Toothache can cavities, inflamed tooth tissue, an abscess, a crack in the tooth, or nerve tissue are exposed to even cause. While there are a variety of causes for a sore tooth, natural remedies can assist your mouth, regardless of the cause of pain. Try to do one or more of these natural treatments next discharge. Essential Oils 
To use essential oils therapeutically for 100 percent natural high-quality oils, organic or wild collection are to be found, and not diluted or overly processed. Synthetic oils have no curative effect and should not be used in preparations for natural remedies. 
Rely. Onto clove bud essential oil for its therapeutic properties and reputation for easing toothache To manage, just a drop of clove oil on a cotton swab and dab it gently around the gums where the pain is present. This process can be repeated if necessary. 
If clove oil is unappealing, consider replacing instead of peppermint essential oil. They manage it in the same way with a clean cotton swab. 
Make synergistic jawbone massage oil with a combination of 1 drop of clove oil, 2 drops of essential oil of chamomile and 2 drops of lemon essential oil, dispersed in 1 tsp. Almond oil. Massage the jaw and cheek area where the pain is present. Repeat as often as needed for relief. 
Herbal Treatments & Supplements 
Use a goldenseal tincture (a liquid herbal extract) to assist in pain relief. Place 2 to 3 drops of golden seal extract on a cotton ball and place it gently against the inflamed area. Do not remove the treatment for several hours or leave overnight in place. This process can be useful for combating harmful bacteria and inflammation. 
Take either L-tyrosine or White Willow Bark internally as directed on the label, for pain relief. 
Other Remedies 
Apply a hot compress (such as a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel) to the outside of the affected area. If the area is swollen, put an ice pack on the ease swelling and provide a gentle numbing sensation

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Scabies - symptoms, incubation period and effective treatment

Scabies - symptoms
For scabies (scabies medicine) is a contagious disease that is caused by mites, more specifically mite Sarcoptes scabies by, a parasite. The dross is counted to the group of sexually transmitted diseases. In English usage, this disease is also called sexually transmitted diseases, i.e. sexually transmitted disease. Particularly likely the transmission of scabies within the family in nursing homes or in close human contact,(sexual intercourse).
The scabies is becoming widespread worldwide. However, the occurrence of the disease varies greatly. Depending on the appropriate environment, citizens 1-30 percent affected per 100. In the 1950s, the scabies in the industrialized countries was virtually eradicated. Since the late 1960s, the disease is associated with other sexually transmitted diseases again increased. Also in Germany, the scabies spread again strong, although both the standard of living and hygiene have improved significantly.
Treat scabies / home remedies
Under scabies refers to a highly contagious, accompanied by violent itching skin disease. Scabies is caused by a parasite that embeds itself in the skin. When an infestation with scabies important that a physician should be consulted.
None of the preparations listed here against the scabies may be taken orally. The come with the liquids or ointments in touch hands must not be placed in the mouth. In the treatment of scabies the bedding and clothing of the patient should be disinfected. The patient from the dross is bathed, soaped with plain soap and rub vigorously with a brush.
On this page you will find recipes and home remedies for the treatment of scabies with medicinal plants and herbs.
How is scabies transmitted?
The transmission of scabies occurs by direct physical contact. The itch mite responsible for the disease has its habitat on the human skin, where they, however, survived only a few days. So the itch can be triggered even the appearance of a single female ranges.
Because at the scabies mites just colonize the skin, there is an infection only under especially favorable circumstances. So a prolonged physical contact or bed heat necessary so that the scabies can be transmitted.
Risk factor sexual intercourse
An increased risk for transmission is given by sexual intercourse. Therefore, the scabies is considered one of the sexually transmitted diseases. An increased risk of infection is given within the family, in nursing homes or residential communities.

In very few cases - approximately three percent of the cases - and especially in people with weakened immune systems, scabies mites are present in very large numbers on human skin.
Symptoms suggestive of scabies
A large part of the symptoms of the dross is released by the female animals. This drill millimeters depth courses in the top layer of skin of man. These courses lay the mites from their eggs. The larvae of the pathogen hatch within three to five days and then take in about three weeks, the transformation into a mature mite true.

The optical characteristics of scabies are small nodules that spread on the skin surface and are interspersed with scratch marks. In addition, intense itching, which propagates on a flaky crusty skin especially at night. Disease Typical lesions are recorded particularly:
At the wrists,
In the interdigital spaces,
The area around the navel and chest and neck area,
The genital region,
The face,
The palms,
The soles are affected when the scabies occurs only in infants.
Itch mite - The cause of the disease
Visually, the itch mite shows spherical shaped with a size of about 0.4 millimeters. The body is translucent. The itch mite has four pairs of legs and powerful jaws. It is dependent on the supply of oxygen - this is also the reason that the itch mite resides only in the upper layers of the skin of man and does not penetrate deeper into the body.
»Skin cells as food

The diet of the itch mite takes place through the skin cells of humans and its lymph cells. By colonization of the skin takes place an intensive skin damage and activation of the immune system. This damage the classic skin lesion is triggered.

The male itch mite is much smaller than the female. She also lives on the surface of the skin. While the female itch mite is about two months old, male itch mite has a much lower life expectancy.

Because multiply greatly the itch mites, they can spread normally within a few months thousands of animals. The number of animals that colonize the body is, however, limited because the immune system is activated by the appearance of the animals and because the person concerned by an intense stimulus scratch felt - which in turn causes many animals to die.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Weakness of Eyes: Causes and Natural Solution

weakness of eyes
Visual impairment can have many reasons. Not only older people have problems with the eyes. Even young people, indeed all age groups can be equally affected by eye diseases or visual impairment. Nevertheless, this suffering - contrary to the common ophthalmological opinion - is prevented naturally. Not infrequently existing eye problems with natural methods can also be cured or at least alleviated already, and quite especially if it is called by the. Age-related visual impairment is.
Visually impaired and thus a pair of glasses is no longer a rarity. The majority of Swiss (64 percent) wears glasses or contact lenses. From the age of 65, the share is 87 percent.
If it continues at this pace, do not wear glasses will be a curiosity in just a few decades.
Glasses or other visual aids are among the standard tools of every citizen and without glasses are you feel incomplete and inferior.
No one is more aware that glasses actually nothing more than a crutch for sick eyes.
If our eyes really getting worse?
During childhood glasses were so "cobra" yet called because of their exceptional few decades ago, glasses are in schools now so widespread that now (thank God) no one thinks more to the teasing.
Has the proportion of glasses now therefore increased so much, because the eyes of the people are actually so much worse and sicker than in the past was the case?
Or only because the current diagnostic methods are first used more often and secondly, simply measure more accurately than the previous?
After all, a visual impairment will already be detected (which can lead to a pair of glasses), if the patient was not even aware of the alleged problem today.
Both are correct. On one hand, the industrially processed food together with the modern lifestyle (computer, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol, etc.)to a reduced eye health.

On the other hand, people are urged to regular eye tests or (as in the case of the driving test) required to do so, so that on this occasion also such poor eyesight come to light that the person concerned may have completely new.
Amblyopic - A good business
Certainly not just uninvolved in the rapid development of eyeglass wearers number is also the business acumen of the eyeglass company, opticians and ophthalmologists.

Actually it is really only incidentally about improving the eyesight. The basic motivation of the glasses industry is against it - of course - in the profit maximization.

This was particularly beautiful in 2010, when the Federal Cartel Office the so-called "working group pricing structures" revealed.

These were to illegal price fixing of the top five manufacturers of ophthalmic lenses
Since 2000, caught in the act had ensured that the competition had come to a virtual standstill in the eyewear market. Funded the Party of consumers the eyeglass frame often had absparen of mouth - the spectacle lens manufacturer drove huge profits and opticians were pleased with rewarding incentives and rebates.

But basically it's worth it not, the eyes (or the mood) to spoil the reading of such messages. It is much better to deal with that information, which can promote the vision in a natural way and is improving.

Then glasses can in fact be as expensive as they want. We simply do not need any more or at least not more every few years a new one.

Visual impairment in old age can be prevented
Eye problems are known to like with age. This, however, should not lead to the conclusion that age would necessarily lead to poor eyesight.

A visual impairment in this case is rather the long-term consequence of living and eating habits of the person concerned and his (bad) habits.

This in turn means that a different lifestyle and changing the habits, the so-called. Prevent age-related vision problems or can significantly lessen in severity.

Computers & Co. favor low vision
If eye problems occur in younger people, even today, the increased use of computers, laptops, game boys and cell phones as well as hours of television are whose development course. These are activities which can lead to a rapid loss of elasticity eyes.

By gazing at always the same point in always the same distance from the focusing muscle levels off at this distance in mind. The result is that objects that are further away on the eye than the usual screen or much closer than this are only exercised blurred with time. But even that can be fixed again.

Train your eye muscle!
Those who sit a lot in front of the screen or sitting must, therefore, get into the habit following exercise:

Let periodically eyes every now and again into the distance (eg the window), hold then immediately thereafter any object directly in front of the eyes to look at it closely, you look again into the distance, again in the vicinity of, and so on.

If you practice this consistently, you will practice the elasticity of your eye muscle, which can even help make an already decreased vision again.

Every third child has eye problems
But even small children who certainly had little contact with computers, not spared in the modern era of eye diseases. When in 2010 the Bavarian company health insurance could investigate around 850 kindergarten children, it was found the suspected defective vision at every third child. As a visual defect inhibits the healthy development of little ones, parents are now forced to at least two checkups by an ophthalmologist.

The first would be made in the first year of life (especially if the family already occurred Eye Diseases), the second shortly before enrollment.

Screening would, however, (at least from a holistic perspective) only makes sense and for that patient - whether large or small - only helpful when an established low vision not only a pair of glasses is prescribed, but also information and recommendations are communicated, the give the patient the necessary tools along the way, with which he can make himself strong for his eyes.

But this usually does not happen. The patient is put off with a mere symptom control - because otherwise the glasses. If you ask the eye doctor for measures that could be taken even, you rarely responded that there was nothing you could do for his eyes.

Useful recommendations for your eye health can be found below.

Natural fluctuations in vision
It should also be borne in mind that the eye, like any other organ in our body, natural fluctuations. Is the person tired, stressed, tense or entangled in emotional conflicts (which may also be the case already with children), it's also the eyes not so good. You suffer - like the rest of the body - an energy shortage. Recovering the person in question, then the vision improved again.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Natural Cosmetics are Protect to skin

Natural Skin Care Cosmetics
The cosmetic treatment of the skin has to perform three tasks: caring, cleaning and stimulating.
Even the Swiss Herb pastor Kindle has pointed out that each person has a different skin, one must take into account.
The cleaning is done skin with a mild skin-friendly soap or cleanser. The soap or wax lotion absorbs the dirt and oil from your skin and takes it with the washing of the skin. You will have noticed: Too much washing can also be harmful, because the skin needs to do their natural skin barrier, which is also partly made up of fat. One way to compensate for this, are creams that regresses the skin.

In general, one must adapt care agent to the skin: Dry skin needs a fatty cream and ointments, whereas oily skin better low-fat or whole fat-free ointments and creams.
In addition, the skin should always be something nutrient tracked what happens especially well with wheat germ oil. More on this later.

The stimulation of the skin should be done according to skin type also yes. And especially here the medicinal herbs play a major role. A good tonic for our skin should stimulate the skin and some of the following essential oils include: peppermint oil, camphor oil, rosemary oil and sage oil. Also in birch leaves much essential oil is included.

A simple yet very effective skin tonic, just make her out to be equal parts of camphor, rosemary and juniper spirit.

Natural Skin Beauty from within

The skin is a reflection of the inner state. Only when the body is healthy, the skin can be beautiful.
Of particular importance is the metabolism. So eat sufficient, balanced and drink too much water or tea.
Do not drink alcohol, do not smoke.

Self-made lip balm

The conditioning effect is basically the same, but do not like having to apply all their lip balm with your finger. Basically, it depends on the composition of the ingredients, as determined in the end is the balm.

Solid vegetable fat as Chippendale itself Machiavellian or lanolin is heated until it reaches a liquid state. In smaller quantities nourishing oils such as olive oil or sunflower oil can now be attached.

Both the addition of essential oils and honey and beeswax worth the lipstick on in his care effect This mass can then be filled, for example in an empty lipstick Label or stick and must be placed in a freezer to harden.

After a few hours of lip balm is then already ready. Of course, empty lip balm tubes specially made for homemade cosmetics can be used.

Hair Treatment

Extra-care for hair

Extra Care for hair
Hair Care
Our hair is exposed to all sorts of hardships. Shampoo and conditioner regenerate the structure though; sometimes it can also be a little more. Then is time for a deep conditioner.

Within a year, our hair has to endure a lot: They are washed and blow-dried 156 times on average, get four to five colorants and are approximately 208 days of sun exposure, all the accesses to the outer cuticle making hair brittle and dry.

Shampoos and conditioners maintain the hair structure even, sometimes but the hair needs a little support. In this case, treatments and masks are used. Damaged hair is negatively charged, so the care provided cosmetic chemist specifically with positive charge that binds to the damaged areas of the hair fiber.

Effect: The hair is easier to comb. And because each hair has different needs, there are a number of nursing specialists with whom you can bring your mane back into shape.

Suspected meningitis: In these warning signs you should respond.

bacteria is a rare disease
Meningitis caused by bacteria is a rare disease, but is always an emergency, as it leads to death in about ten percent of the patients and at twenty percent leaves lasting damage. The dreaded especially when pediatrician’s disease is rapid and dramatic and can lead to death within two days.

For this reason, it is important to interpret the first warning signs properly and immediately consult your doctor or the hospital.

4 Methods of Proper Teeth Cleaning.

Prevent tooth decay
inter-dentally spaces cleaning
The teeth are sparkling and shining white and still twinges from time to time in the oral cavity? This can have several causes, but usually it is in the inter-dentally spaces. These are in fact often neglected by many while brushing your teeth. The result: food particles that could not be removed with a toothbrush attach themselves properly and help that bacteria multiply.

The bacteria have once spread; bad breath, bleeding gums and tooth decay are not far away in the inter dentally spaces. And then of course, not the infamous dentist visit. Here it is, so take preventive measures and clean between teeth regularly and thoroughly. The following methods show how to implement this.

How to get the symptoms measures in rosacea.

rosacea pictures
It often starts between 30 and 50 years of age, the first sign of rosacea is often frequent or excessive blushing. Later come nodules and pustules to typically on the forehead, cheeks, nose or chin.

Especially at this stage of the disease is often confused with acne, but with which it has nothing to do (Our recommendation: the counselor simply get rid of acne and pimples). Therefore, it is important to get a diagnosis, seek the dermatologist, especially since different skin problems require different treatment methods.

You can heal rosacea eventually not, what it is, that you still do not exactly understand how the disease develops at all. That is why it is so important to take the right measures to alleviate the symptoms of rosacea and thus to alleviate any pain.


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