
Sunday, 21 September 2014

Cracked heels home remedy

Some health conditions can cause cracked heels. But the most common cause is wear open shoes such as sandals or slippers or walk barefoot. This causes the skin to become dry and heels the next time you run or walk dry skin will crack under the weight of the body.
The best solution for the skin of the feet is cracking wear closed shoes and put on a moisturizer every day. But if you already have dried your feet and you have cracks in the skin, you can try the following home remedies.
Paraffin treatment: This is a treatment for dry hands but can also be worn on the feet. Be very careful because the wax should be hot enough so that it is soft but not so hot that you burn your feet go. One or two cups of wax are cast into a bowl and add a tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil. It gets a double boiler until the wax melts. Stir well to the wax and oil are mixed. The mixture was poured into a large bowl with room for both feet. You must wait for the top of paraffin appear white, that means it is not so hot. Do not go to dip your feet when the wax is liquid.
Once you have made sure it is not too hot, you put your feet and leave for half an hour. Within half an hour the wax is removed.
And another solution is:
Pumice Foot Bath : Before bed, soak your feet in warm water for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rub your heels with a pumice stone, being careful not to disturb the cracked areas. Little by little they will peeling dead skin cells, revealing smoother skin. Then rinse and dry your feet, you wear a moisturizer and put on socks.
This procedure is repeated every night to achieve the desired results. Thereafter if you want to keep feet soft and free of cracks you must wear closed shoes and using moisturizer every night.

Important: Diabetic people should not use these remedies.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Vitiligo Symptoms and home remedies Treatment

White spot disease (vitiligo) - Symptoms
She is considered one of the most common skin diseases, are in Germany alone, according to statistics more than a million people suffer from vitiligo. Doctors call them Vitiligo, the vernacular speaks often about a skin disorder.
Sets you up with the white spot disease and its symptoms apart, it soon becomes clear that there is only one symptom in principle - and that is immediately visible to the naked eye: White skin spots that show up irregularly at different skin regions. The white areas of skin are particularly sensitive to light and the disease manifests itself in different forms.

The localized form of white spot syndrome

In this form of white spot disease symptoms are usually visible only on one side, that is, they do not occur symmetrically on both sides of the body simultaneously. The affected skin areas are only occasionally seen often spread only a few months and after this period and come to a standstill. Only in very few cases, the localized form of generalized form.

The lesions usually show up on the face, hand or dorsum of the foot, wrist and fingers and toes and ankles to. In addition, the localized form of white spot disease was observed also at hand or soles of the feet and in the groin, the armpits and the genital region. In some cases, the mucous membrane be affected: Preferred occurs, the localized form in the mouth or on the lips.

This form usually occurs symmetrically, that is, on both sides of the body at the same time. So both hands or both knees are affected, for example. The skin patches are preferably observed at stressed skin areas. This refers to compression and tensile loaded skin. Especially pressure loaded parts of the body, for example, elbows and knees, one speaks of tensile-strained parts of the body, one thinks, for example, the shoulders or the eyelids.

The symptoms seen over a longer period, that is, there arise again and again new white skin spots - usually over many years. The disease progresses in waves in this form. After 10 to 20 years, in which time and again to be expected with relapses, the disease usually comes to a standstill, that is, there are no extra spots.
Biological cure for vitiligo
You are sucked in by the impressive claims about vitiligo cure? Here is a affectees for all vitiligo that advice "do not fall victim to a neutral position". A clear behavior of vitiligo patients who say want "Good-bye" to their chronic vitiligo, is that they never give-up in the search for possible treatments / remedies that can work, if the current treatments little or show no results. Unlike others we have not a panacea for sale, but only to reveal our trade secret. We want you to make mistakes when treating your vitiligo.

Today there are several anti-vitiligo products available on the market. But have you ever noticed how many of them stating that they are "pure vegetable oil" or "herbal remedy for re-pigmentation in vitiligo" mentions their ingredients? Now, this is not the case with us! Before grabbing anti-vitiligo product, what should be noted that, if the active ingredients of this product supported by sound scientific studies to support vitiligo treatment without side effects?
We suggest that all people with vitiligo that "never use vitiligo treatment product on your vitiligo lesions without previous knowledge of the active ingredients of the product '.
Having done extensive research on vitiligo, we have to conclude that some of the herbs that are used products in certain alternative vitiligo treatment, including both oral and topical, are actually achieved harmful to the conditions vitiligo. Sometimes the best treatment for vitiligo is no treatment. Since it is scientifically proven that skin de-pigmentation occurs either by the immune cells in the body kill the melanocytes or melanocytes attack and kill him.
Since vitiligo is caused when the immune system is disturbed, to develop many treatments modulate this system. Vitiligo can be treated with both medicine and herbs. But what distinguishes herbal vitiligo treatment in medicine is that it has little or no side effects. Today there are several organic remedies to cure vitiligo available in the market, lending Vitiligo affected people in the terminal, what to choose and what to leave? As per excerpts from the research work, should an organic remedy for vitiligo include the following active ingredients:
Coconut Oil
Black seed oil
Psoralea corylifolia
Barberry Root
People with vitiligo need a product that can modulate strengthen their immune system and not (over-active) or weakening (under-active) of the immune system. Therefore, one can wrong / agent ingredient to adverse reactions. For this reason, do not take the risk with any product vitiligo treatment, without knowing beforehand what the active ingredients of the product. Let us proudly offer you our organic remedies for vitiligo, cure vitiligo oil. Yes, it is scientifically proven the most effective product, vitiligo cure.

What do Cure Vitiligo Oil stand out clearly among the rest are 100% pure botanical ingredients, black cumin oil, Psoralea corylifolia, coconut oil and barberry root-owned. Let us explain how each of these ingredients is effective in vitiligo defeat.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil is slow to oxidize and thus resistant to rancidity. Coconut oil is the only type of oil that you can use on your skin because it is easily absorbed and keeps the skin soft. Coconut oil contains vitamin E alpha-tocopherol. This type of vitamin is a known powerful antioxidant and positively affects the skin. With coconut oil as its agent, our organic remedy for vitiligo cure vitiligo oil will make skin smoother, softer and moister.
Black seed oil
Black cumin oil is the seed of a plant called Nigella sativa derived. These are effective to melanocytes, re-pigmentation of skin cells stimulate initiate.
Psoralea corylifolia
Psoralen occurs in the seeds of Psoralea corylifolia and is a photo-sensitizer. It reacts with ultraviolet light and causes darkening of the skin.
Barberry Root
The herb contains alkaloids such as berbamine, berberine, oxyacanthine, resin and tannin, and chelidonic. Barberry and root parts of the B-vitamin thiamine, vitamin C, lute in, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, carotenoids, chromium, zinc, and cobalt. The herb has antioxidant properties and cytoprotective.
With these effective ingredients in our organic cure for vitiligo, cure vitiligo oil should be the No. 1 choice as you. Herbal product for your vitiligo Cure Vitiligo Oil is chemically proven with guaranteed results and to accept far. So, you narrow choice to only one anti-vitiligo product, Cure Vitiligo Oil that you should consider.
Q: What is the role cumin play in vitiligo cure?
A: Black cumin, Nigella sativa derived from plan, your immune system and stimulate melanocytes to produce melanin that is a brown or black naturally produced in the body, which is for normal skin coloring.
Q: Does Vitiligo Organics work? How reliable is their use?
A: of course Organic Formulations for Vitiligo may contain ingredients, which is not only economically, but also easily accessible and their medical value has long been known. After these words the customer be sure to select the proper herbal / organic products because all products do not pretend not consist of purely natural ingredients such as CureVitiligoOil. CureVitiligoOil is vegetable / organic oil, which consists of all naturally occurring products and is a guaranteed success for vitiligo patients. It is a story and extensive research behind this 100% success guaranteed claim CureVitiligoOil. While the patient is on a lookout for a permanent cure for vitiligo patches, CureVitiligoOil comes in response to their request. It is a complete healing and purely in the form of natural herbs.
Q: How is Vitiligo Organics better than other therapies?
A: Herbal therapy has a lot of medicinal science over the centuries contributed by their side-effect free, easily accessible, homemade remedies. Nothing works better than the natural products for the human body. Nature has hidden / hidden treasures in natural products. It is now our duty to reveal these secrets and treasures and make the best of what we manage to treasure revelation. The medicinal value of herbal products dates back to ancient Egypt and China, where herbs were used to cure a long time apart from their use in the kitchen. CureVitiligoOil is an organic treatment for vitiligo, which works on the same principle and aims to cure vitiligo just the natural way.
Q: How does vitiligo Biological therapy?
A: CureVitiligoOil is an organic means working vitiligo. It works naturally to the skin. It is a mixture of barberry root, coconut oil, black cumin and Psoralea coryfolia. Psoraelea coryfolia is a photo-sensitizer, barberry root and black cumin strengthen the immune system of the body is coconut oil skin protecting agents. Together, these four in the form of a CureVitiligoOil guaranteed solution for vitiligo patches.
Q: What is the best available treatment of vitiligo? Cannot be operated and done in a single operation?
A: At the beginning, vitiligo, the disease or the occurrence of characteristic white patches of vitiligo is not an emergency condition in which a patient must go to the hospital and treated. It is a chronic skin disease, there appears to be slowly means in a characteristic manner. A patient suffering from vitiligo leads a normal life. The disease is not life be shorter one bit, no matter how uncomfortable it might be. The choice of a treatment for Vitiligo patients should not be a hasty decision. If you or relative is from you suffer from vitiligo, go through all the available therapies, and choose for them. Since little of the science is to understand about this disease, the focus is patient comfort. Medical science suggests palliative therapy for the disease can not cure. The same is true for vitiligo. Until a definitive cure for this disease is found, the focus of all therapies for the characteristic white patches of vitiligo will treat and replenish the healthy, normal flights. For that a number of therapies are available, comes the selection of the. Until a patient's own choice and recommendation of his doctor Provided here below is a list of available treatment; topical steroid therapy, homeopathic therapy, Ayurveda therapy, herbal therapy, surgical therapy. Unfortunately, it cannot be cured in a single session or surgery. The surgical therapy requires a minimum of one year on all skin depigment when the disease generalized.
Q: What is Black Seed? As it is effective in the treatment of vitiligo?
A: Everyone is aware of the culinary use of black cumin seeds. It is used, sausage, meat and vegetable dishes. It spices up the food tastes adds, acts as a digestive aid and appetite stimulant. The very popular herb has many medicinal uses as well. It has been recognized in herbal medicine for a long time since its medicinal value was very early by the ancient Egyptians and Chinese, who mastered the science of herbal medicine. The list of medical uses of cumin is long. It is located in diarrhea, colic, respiratory problems, vitiligo, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, hair loss etc. black cumin seeds contain phosphates, iron and carbohydrates, carotene is used (which is converted to vitamin A in the liver, a vitamin, immunity against cancer offers) . Recent study shows that black seed oil also contains hormones, stimulants, diuretics, enzymes, sedatives. Black cumin oil seeds are used in the form of oil to maximize their medicinal value. Black cumin seeds are a powerful immune system booster. The continuous use of black seed oil has a preventive effect against many diseases, ie it prevents the body from catching diseases. In vitiligo treatment, it is usually with other ingredients and preparation in the form of oil is the skin where black seed oil stimulates the body's immune system and stimulates the melanocytes melanin in a natural way so that they again produce the natural / original color applied to skin.
Q: How is coconut oil beneficial for Vitiligo?
A: Coconut oil alone does not cure vitiligo. It is used to protect skin from drying out. It is a skin smoothing agents, when used alone, but used when in used in combination with barberry root, black cumin and Psoralea coryfolia CureVitiligOil
Q: Does Vitiligo Organics really works?
A: Yes, Bio / Herbal therapy is the safest therapy of all because it is free of side effects unlike allopathic medicines all. Organic / Herbal therapy has a huge history, their claim to cure most diseases back only in a natural way. The ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Indians have contributed for centuries to the fact that Bio / Herbal therapy is a reliable therapy. Organic Formulations for Vitiligo consist of natural ingredients and they work for the body in a natural way. Each ingredient plays its role, a role that known in herbal science for aa period not short of centuries. A customer has sure to select the proper herbal / organic products because all products do not pretend not consist of purely natural ingredients such as CureVitiligoOil. CureVitiligoOil is a vegetable / organic oil, which consists of all naturally occurring product and is a guaranteed success for vitiligo patients. It is a story and extensive research behind this 100% success guaranteed claim CureVitiligoOil. While the patient is on a lookout for a permanent cure for vitiligo patches, CureVitiligoOil comes in response to their request. It is a complete healing and purely in the form of natural herbs.

Solution of baby-cry

Solution and way to the last baby cry
last baby cry
If you cannot figure out why your baby is crying, just try to comfort it. There is not always a reason! Take it in the arm, either upright or in the cradle position. Some babies love it when they are placed on the shoulders or in the flyer holds position (belly on your forearm). Rock it gently. Massage the belly or head.

Talk or whisper in his ear or sing him a little before - try to distract it. You can also take a walk or drive by car. Even your little finger or a pacifier to suck can help. Make sure, however, that it is clean and immerse it in no way sugar or honey.

If the baby still does not stop crying, it may be that your child is over stimulated and yourself cannot calm down. In such situations, it is sometimes the best solution is to keep the baby quiet in the arm or put it in his crib. Touch the one hand his head, the other put him on his stomach. Take the crying child is not right up again, even though it will be difficult. To avoid over-stimulation, you should watch for in your child better future for signs of fatigue. When it yawns, rubs his eyes, becomes restless and fretful or loses eye contact with the caregiver, it's time to sleep.

Some children feel more comfortable and cry less when they are tightly wrapped in a cloth, called "spitting". The midwife Sue Schemed developed for this purpose a butterfly cloth. Personal report can be found here.

As a cry baby is called a child that day more than three hours, at least three days per week and for more than three weeks crying and his parents - for all their love - brings to the brink of a nervous breakdown. If your baby is one of them: Do not give yourself to blame! If you have tried everything to soothe it and it did not, you did not necessarily something wrong. Therefore they are no worse than any other parent whose child cries less. Also, your child can not help it - some babies cry or just cry more than others.

Try to stay calm. Under no circumstances should you try to bring your baby by shaking to rest. A lethal Shaken may be the result! If you feel exhausted, you ask your partner, friends or relatives to temporarily look after the child. If you are alone with the child, put it in his crib, make sure that all hazards are beyond his reach, and go into another room. You need to get away and treat yourself to some entertainment; this has absolutely nothing to do with neglect your duties as a mother! Listen to music, make yourself a cup of tea or call a friend or a girlfriend. Let the child alone but not for long - only as long as it is needed again to scoop a bit of force. If the crying just will not stop, you should consult a mother’s doctor or a nurse.

In the last few years has proved itself in unexplained crying and restlessness and more often the cranial therapy as successful and gentle treatment method. Please read about this topic, the expert interview with Brigitte Missioner and the experience report of a concerned mother. 

Toothache: symptoms, home remedies

Toothache or tooth pain is cause when the nerve to a tooth is motivated. Dental inactivity, gum disease, dental decay, plaque, injury or loss of tooth is the most ordinary causes of dental pain. There are instance, however, where pain originate outside the dental spot radiates to the mouth, thus giving the sense of tooth pain. This often happens when there is a problem with the jaw joint or ears. Infrequently, heart troubles can give the consciousness of tooth pain.
One can prevent the majority of dental problems through flossing, brushing with fluoride toothpaste, and having teeth professionally cleaned on a regular schedule. The dentist may apply sealants and fluoride, which are especially important in children.
Causes of Toothaches
Toothaches occur from inflammation of the central portion of the tooth called pulp. The pulp contains nerve endings that are very sensitive to pain. Inflammation to the pulp or pulpits’ may be caused by dental cavities.
Tooth pain is always a case for the dentist. However, the pains usually occur at times in which the physician has no office of trust. Maybe the person concerned but also only want to try a home remedy before they go in expert hands. Here there are a number of different simple means, which can alleviate a toothache. 

Not every home remedy helps everyone. So that should be one or the other simply tried. Also, the gut feeling is important. If, for example, the speech of chamomile and reject those affected this plant categorically, so they probably will not help. Here then another home remedy should be sought. 
Toothaches have diverse causes. Home remedies intended to alleviate this somewhat, the gang are pending to the dentist. Caution to the use of home remedies, especially after tooth extractions (extractions). By the removal of a tooth is formed an opening in the microorganisms should in no case penetrate, so only mouth washes are useful here in the first place.  Direct application of any of these solutions or oils is contraindicated. This applies even after root canal treatment. 

Home remedies do not replace a trip to the dentist. When vacancies in the mouth rinsing and gargling direct contact with oils, tinctures or spices is generally preferable. 

In the application of tinctures or essential oils must always be ensured that they are used only in homeopathic doses. Otherwise, can worsen already existing inflammation and may also worsen the toothache. 

Especially with the use of essential oils is to pay attention to quality and purity. Not any oil suitable for use in the oral cavity. Impure oils can lead to unpleasant side effects such as inflammation, allergy or nausea
The following home remedies that can be applied to dental problems, are not necessarily in every household. This includes, for example, the propels tincture. This has numerous applications. It is used to boost the immune system, for the treatment of allergies, sore throats, colds, but also for toothache. Either is rinsed with diluted propels tincture and gargled or applied them directly on the painful area. 

Similar effect is the tea tree oil, which also has a large range of applications. This oil is mainly known in the external use as a home remedy for athlete's foot or insect bites. A drop in a glass of lukewarm water helps a sore throat and can also bring relief from toothache. Per applied to the painful area, but the application should be made only in homeopathic quantities. 

Furthermore, the experiments with clover, also known as sweet clover, address the toothache worth. A few drops of tincture in a glass of water for washing or gargling own. Even the Steinmetz can be used for this purpose. Yarrow is also help for toothache. Of these, one cup is drunk every morning and evening. In addition, rosemary leaves with security not found in every household, but if they can be chewed, also help with a toothache. 

For the treatment of pain in the mouth different healing stones can be used in addition. For this, the approaches are suitable according to the crystal healing of the blue calcite and amber. The latter is known for having positive support teething in infants and young children. For toothache the stone for a while to the affected cheek side is held. 

Instead of the above-mentioned clove can be used as an alternative, the essential oil of clove. This is just like the tea tree oil, very carefully dabbed in the smallest amount to the affected area. An ancient home remedy is also the myrrh tincture, easily and inexpensively. This can help diluted as a rinse or applied neat for toothache. Cinnamon oil is also agents that already have used as a home remedy for toothache our grandmothers. This is applied undiluted on the aching tooth. But even here the principle is "less is more". 

The consumption of green tea is generally very healthy. However, this can also be used as a mouth rinse to tackle pain in the oral cavity.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Get Soft and shiny hair

How do you get strong shiny and long healthy hair? 
Get Soft and shiny hair
The hair is an important part of female beauty. Especially when they are healthy and silky shine ... For the scalp, however, must be in good shape. With our tips you know how you can make all year round beautiful hair on show!

A gentle cleansing
- Wash your hair every three days. Frequent hair washing can be increased sebum on the scalp and lead to greasy hair.
- The shampoo: a beauty-Basic treatment
Use a product that fits exactly to your hair type (for dry, rich or colored hair, etc.). When you purchase that the pH of the shampoo is suitable for the scalp and the formulation hydrates the capillary at the same time and making it supple.
The right cares for gorgeous hair
- Make your hair all wet at the beginning and hold it for a moment under the water jet.
- Then enter a little shampoo in the open hand and spread it in your hair. Treat your scalp with a gentle massage and let the shampoo soak in briefly before rinsing it thoroughly.
- Avoid washing your hair twice in a row, which is an unnecessary strain on the scalp.
- Enter a rinse in the wet hair around the natural protective film to restore, regenerate and beautify the hair. Let
Collect the product for the indicated time and then rinse it good. If you are brave can refresh the head with a jet of cold water at the end that strengthens the hair plate and gives the hair a silky shine.
- Allow to dry hair to air dry. If you use a hair dryer, then wrap the hair gently in a towel around it to per-dry well and then turn on the hair dryer on medium heat level. It is best to use a brush from a natural material that will not harm.
Tips and Tricks
- You can use the cold water when rinsing with white vinegar or lemon juice to your hair more luminosity and give a nice shine effect.
- Get regular hair cut, this gives them new power!
- Pamper yourself with a treatment in order to strengthen your hair once a week deep acting with a valuable conditioner.
Very healthy hair-but how?
Who wants to have beautiful and strong hair, you should know that beauty comes from the inside...
- Only no stress! Because stress contributes to the production of sebum to increase excessively, to form dandruff and accelerate hair loss. Reduce your nervousness with a magnesium treatment, the best stress killer ever!
- Do you exercise? A physical exercise helps the body to excrete the toxins through perspiration or through the sebum. Wash your hair to remove all welding residues well after exercise.
- A balanced diet strengthens your hair! Proteins, sulfur, zinc, iron and B-vitamins provide essential nutrients for strong, thick hair volume.
Care Tips for All Hair Types
Hair is delicate: too fat, too dry, too matte ... In short, you want to be pampered and cared for regularly.
- You have fat hair?
The reason is an excessive production of sebum on the scalp.
The solution: To have oily hair should shine again healthy sebum production is regulated and the scalp can be cured. For a gentle and deeply effective care is used: Massage the special cleansing lotion gently into the scalp!
- You have dry hair?
At too low sebum open the hair slides and hair become dry and dull.
The solution: a lot of moisture! A combination of a moisture shampoo and a constructive hair mask treats dry hair with an intense repair complex. Comb repeatedly to distribute your hair well with a soft brush of boar bristles to the natural sebum.
- You have dull, lackluster hair?
If the hair plates on the fiber trunk reflect the light looks bad hair from dull and lackluster.
The solution: Use after washing hair regularly flushing out the back gives your hair new shine and intense luminosity. You can also a little lemon juice or a tablespoon of white wine vinegar with the rinse water to enter intensifies the shine effect!

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Problems of kidney and natural treatment

Natural home remedies for kidney treatment 
Problems of kidney
The kidney functions to remove toxins and salts from the blood. When the kidneys are not working properly build toxins in the blood and cause troubles in the kidney, and infection. There are some herbs that can be used to help the kidneys of bacteria are clean. You can also promote the flow of urine as a diuretic to work. Herbs
Buchu is an herb that has antibacterial properties that must work to reduce inflammation and infections in the body. This herb acts as a diuretic to promote the release of toxins and the elimination of kidney stones. Dandelion is another herb that has diuretic kidney cleans without rinsing potassium. It works to prevent infections and kidney stones. Wheatgrass is a diuretic, which flushes toxins the kidneys. It also breaks down and rinsed kidney gravel or small kidney stones. If you have a kidney infection or kidney stones, this herb works to relieve pain associated with this disease and to reduce any inflammation. It also promotes frequent urination. Cleaver is an herb that is used to cleanse toxins promotes urination and supports the immune system.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can be used to clean the kidney of bacteria. This herb also relaxes the muscles of the urinary tract and the digestive system. Juniper (Junipers communes) works to stimulate the nephrons in the kidney that promotes a strong urinary tract. It also has diuretic and anti-bacterial properties to the release of toxins and wastes from the kidney. This herb helps to clear any congestion of the urinary tract and the kidney.
Parsley is a natural diuretic that you added to your food. Ginger is commonly used for seasoning, but it's great that the kidneys of toxins to clean. Uva Uris is a natural herb used to promote the general health of the kidney. It stimulates the kidney function and is used to break and pass kidney stones. This herb works to tone and strengthen the passage of the urinary tract. Kelp is a very popular diuretic that. Highly in natural potassium, iron and iodine nothing like unnatural diuretics, herbs with diuretic properties are not a potassium deficiency.
Water is a very important part in the kidney health. Waterworks, of course you flush your system of toxins. It is recommended that at least a half gallon or drinks a liter of water Daily to promote the proper function of the kidneys.

Home Remedies for Eye Problems

Dry eyes home remedies
Dry eyes
Dry, scratchy eyes are often a result of reduced moisture production in the eye. Is keratinizing sicca as that applied to a lack of tear by the eye, to provide describes the hydrogenation Common symptoms of dry eyes, apart from a lack of moisture, include an itchy or burning. There are a variety of itchy eyes home remedies to prevent solutions for complaints of intermittent drought due to seasonal allergies or environmental. Cause of dry eyes
Dry eyes occur mainly because the eye and tear ducts are not producing a sufficient amount of moisture to keep dust outside. According to the Mayo Clinic, the lack of moisture produced in the eyes to cause dry spots that cause a burning or itchy sensation. Some causes of dry, itchy eyes include the environment, such as dry air, wind or hot air, as well as the exposure to pollen or other seasonal allergies.
Drugs can also increase the risk of dry eye to increase, including allergy medications such as decongestants and antihistamines, birth control pills and diuretics or inhibitor drugs to treat or regulate blood pressure.
Home Remedies for dry, itchy eyes
Study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in October 2005 found that more Omega-3 fatty acids reduced either from natural sources or fish supplements symptoms by more than 68 percent. The study showed that five servings of fish per week such as salmon offer contained omega-3, tuna, cod liver oil and sardines, helped moisture back to the eye
According to a study water less eyes can be in the body, a result of the lack of vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for eye cells to keep them healthy, as well as produce the mucus layer that protects the eye. The study shows that a diet with vitamin A may improve dry eye, as well as the improvement of vision. Food sources that contain the vitamin are sweet potatoes, melons, fish oil and carrots.
Dry eyes outdoors by preventing the wearing of protective sunglasses, Wearing sunglasses can prevent dust, wind and sun from drying out the eyes. Add extra protection by surrounding glasses with a tight-fitting frame or foam, the glasses on the face.
Use indoor humidifier to add moisture to dry, seasonal months in the air. The addition of moisture in the air, you are reduced to dryness and dust or pollen in circulation. Ideally, add the humidifier in the room that you are often, such as the bedroom.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Abdominal pain and treatment

Abdominal pain
abdominal pain
When should you see a doctor?
Not having any abdominal pain should consult a doctor immediately - but there are some warning signs that you should consider:
The abdominal pain or stick to worsen and are not alleviate with the usual home remedies - can an acute inflammation of e.g. Appendicitis or gallbladder indicate.
The abdominal pain is accompanied by severe nausea, vomiting and fever. You feel weak and the pain is accompanied by a co-reaction of the cycle as increased heart beat or dizziness - symptoms’ accompanying this speaks for a serious event, such as an acute abdomen pancreatic or a ruptured appendix.
With you so far is not a disease, which is accompanied by abdominal pain, known. The pain occurs repeatedly. Let's clarify whether you may have developed food intolerance, porphyritic’ or bile semolina, small intestinal imaginations (diverticulitis) or an intestinal tumor can cause abdominal pain.
Pay attention to your bowel behavior - with changed bowel movement frequency or color you go with a doctor's visit on the safe side.
What can you do against stomach ache?
Abdominal pain is always a symptom and not a disease, i.e., in addition to pain relief measures should be, he looks at persistent or recurring discomfort always the cause. Sometimes already helps a hot water bottle, a stomach soothing tea, a day Rusk or no food, other people swear by movement, easily digestible vegetable enzymes or particularly spicy foods - try out what is right for you.
How can the causes of abdominal pain, eh?
With careful palpation of pain can often be limited. With some simple steps can be as increase in acute appendicitis pain. In addition, gives thorough medical history information as to which organ of the pain most likely originates. So take some pain as a function of food intake on - in bleary complaints are pain after food intake before, during a gastric ulcer the pain is often worse in the fasting state.
The type of food can give hints: pain after fat meals suggest problems with gall bladder or pancreas. The chair behavior, such as Diarrhea, constipation, and stool color is also helpful to have a stool test on blood or infectious agents can, for example, exclude a bowel tumor or a gastrointestinal infection.
Abdominal pain in the elderly
An important role is played by the age of the person concerned. While in children abdominal pain can be a common cold or headache, a very common and non-specific symptom itself, other diseases must be excluded in elderly patients:
for example, in someone with known cardiovascular disease a heart attack or an aortic aneurysm,
In patients in whom a "sensitive" stomach is known, perhaps food intolerance, as this can aggravate the course of life,
In middle-aged people with emerging frequent abdominal pain and an intestinal tumor
Abdominal pain: further studies
These first results will prompt physicians to conduct further investigations. With a blood test can be clarified whether inflammation in the body and whether e.g. Liver, gallbladder or pancreas are involved in the disease process, with the urine test are kidney and urinary system checked. The ultrasonic changes in the liver, gall bladder and routes, pancreas and kidney are seen. Even some intestinal disorders can be detected with today's ultrasound machines.
With X-ray images and especially the endoscopic gastric or endoscopy to get diseases in the abdominal compartment on the track, on suspicion of a gynecological disease, the internal sex organs are scanned and examined with ultrasound. In cases of suspected heart disease usually help further an EKG and an ultrasound of the heart.
If the pain can be triggered either by the handles is still in a context of food intake, a muscle strain or spine problems can be discussed with functional movement exercises. Is it possible to find all methods with no organic cause for the abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome may be present

Diarrhea Causes and treatment

 What is diarrhea?


Of diarrhea or diarrhea occurs when more than three times a day unformed, mushy or watery stools occur. Reasons for this are as Pathogens or toxins that colonize the intestinal mucous or damage their cells. Thus, the mucous no longer fulfill their task of absorbing water from the digested food - the food pulp is more fluid than usual.
In the attempt of the body as quickly as possible eliminate the harmful invaders, he loses even more water and electrolytes (mineral salts). In acute diarrhea, the symptoms take a few days for chronic diarrhea symptoms over several weeks repeatedly occur in quick succession.
What can cause diarrhea?
There are various causes that disturb our intestinal flora and thus can lead to diarrhea. In addition to infections, for example, drugs or spoiled food can be the cause.
Diarrhea caused by infections:
About one third of all cases of diarrhea is caused by viruses, e.g. by retroviruses, rota viruses or nor viruses. In addition, pathogenic bacteria can stress our intestines and cause diarrhea so.
As traveler's diarrhea is often caused by E. coli, other bacterial pathogens are Salmonella, She belle and Yesenia. The so-called amoebic dysentery is however caused by a protozoan parasite, e.g. the long-distance travel in the tropics represents a hazard.
Diarrhea caused by medications:
Some medications can cause as one of the side effects diarrhea. Just antibiotics, which actually should eliminate harmful bacteria, have the side effect of diarrhea. Because they affect not only the "bad" disease-causing germs, but also to the "good" bacteria in the gut help our digestion and our immune system.
Moreover, excessive use of laxatives can lead to diarrhea. Treatment with toxicity drugs such as in cancer therapy, diarrhea is also a common side effect.
Diarrhea due to toxins:
For example, some diarrhea disease is not produced by bacteria themselves, but by toxic metabolic products of bacteria. The result is as Food poisoning by certain staphylococcal or cloistral. Even the heavy metals mercury or lead can interfere with digestion, which can lead to diarrhea.
Diarrhea because of a food allergy:
Allergies to certain foods may respond quite differently - a common symptom is diarrhea. In case of diarrhea as well as before and after the diarrhea food play an important role.
Diarrhea caused by inflammatory bowel disease:
In chronic inflammation of the intestine also occurs often diarrhea. These diseases include Corn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome or lucrative colitis. In these diseases, the intestinal mucous is permanently damaged by the inflammation and allows the water absorption of the digested food to meet very limited, so that diarrhea may be a consequence.
Diarrhea due to stress:
Stress can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract - especially in a difficult examination or before an important presentation, many people suffer not only from wet hands or nervousness, but also intestinal discomfort, diarrhea can bring with it
When to see a doctor?

If diarrhea lasts longer than three days, is very pronounced and the affected significantly weakens, a doctor must be consulted. This also applies if severe abdominal pain, fever or repeated vomiting may occur (see also chapter "accompanying symptoms, complications") when the chair is bloody, and of course immediately in cases of suspected poisoning.

Types of diarrhea

Physicians distinguish between acute and chronic diarrhea.

Behind the diarrhea sudden and usually lasting only a few days almost always plugged acute infection with viruses or bacteria. A typical example is the traveler's diarrhea. Medical examinations are unnecessary rule
Chronic diarrhea is associated with many different, sometimes serious diseases. Of course, a chronic diarrhea disease begins sometime more or less acute. The symptoms here but more than 2 to 4 weeks repeated or in batch mode. In between, they can subside. A chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as lucrative colitis may mimic an acute intestinal infection, so that is first thought of a pathogen as a trigger. In other cases, the bowel symptoms are probably a question of nutrition and improve if some bread and rolls, biscuits and cereals, pasta, pizza and beer disappear from the bill of fare. To suggest is that there is behind a Celia (gluten intolerance). But of course this needs to be clarified.

Diarrhea that occurs chronically is more than just an annoying irregularity. Because as resistant digestive and nutritional disorder can have serious health consequences. Therefore, the cause must be investigated in each case. Given a endoscopy, sometimes special metabolic tests and further analyzes are stool and blood tests required.

How it ever comes to diarrhea?

Essentially, two mechanisms are responsible: either gives the bowel due to inflammation increased water and salts, may also mucus and blood from. The secretary diarrhea associated does not stop fasting. This happens for example when viruses or bacteria are in the game.
Or remain substances in the intestine, as starch and fat from the diet, which bind fluid and lead to osmotic diarrhea. This diarrhea stops after fasting. Timer can here, for example, a recording fault of carbohydrates such as lactose or fructose (see chapter "causes chronic").

The main causes of diarrhea at a glance:
The lists do not claim completeness. The next chapter information about associated symptoms and possible complications of diarrhea, risk factors and prevention, diagnosis and treatment as well as the listed causes in detail.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Diabetes Causes and natural solution

Constipation can have many causes - Remedy the gentle way 
According to a publication about 15 percent of women and 5 percent of men problems with digestion, the frequency increases with age. However, the number of unreported cases is high, only a few go to the doctor because of it. It is estimated that from digestive disorders (constipation or constipation) about 20 percent of the population are affected in Pakistan.
Who does not daily "must" but still far from constipation? The range of what is still considered normal is very much larger than many suspect. Physicians speak only of chronic constipation, if you need less than three times a week to the toilet, the result is usually hard and little and stop the problems is longer than three months.
This all leads to constipation
When the intestines strike, this can have several causes:
Improper diet with too much fat and too little fiber is one of the most common reasons that lead to digestive problems.
Little Drinking is another cause for the "strike in the gut".
Lack of exercise also has an effect on the bowel and makes it sluggish.
For those who are taking medication, it is worth looking at the package insert. Iron-containing preparations, psychotropic drugs, high blood pressure, pain, sleep and drainage aids can have as a side effect result in permanent income constipation.
Also, diseases such as diabetes mellifluous, hypothyroidism, some cancers, depression, Parkinson's disease or low blood pressure are a possible cause in question. Therefore always consult the doctor for persistent digestive problems.
Often the trigger is also in the lifestyle of those affected. Hustle and bustle blocks the intestines or have no time for going to the toilet.
Better the gentle way
But now, just do not resort to laxatives. For continuous intake they have significant side effects. They also solved in constant use even digestive problems, rather than to solve permanently.
Naturally, therefore get’s always best. Prerequisite for good digestion is a healthy colon. Precisely here that the gentle means and methods are very important to be fiber rich diet and drinking plenty of fluids is.
Dietary fiber - the colon nurse on duty
Fiber keeps the bacterial flora in the intestine in healthy balance. But they also stimulate the digestion. At least 30 grams of fiber every day should be included in the diet. This is easier to achieve than many think. Just three slices of whole grain bread, one serving of potatoes or whole meal rice or noodles, salad and vegetables and two servings of fruit every day ensure the desired intake.
Who has not eaten enough fiber, begins with small amounts and increase it slowly habituation. Very important: dietary fiber need liquid. Therefore, drink at least two liters per day.
Natural Relief Program sluggish bowel
These eight proven tips and home remedies that bring the digestion naturally gentle and effective in momentum:
Dairy products: yogurt, sour or buttermilk affect the intestinal flora and have a laxative effect by lactic acid contained therein. Also good: sauerkraut, especially as raw food.
Lactose: The tried and true trick from grandma's medicine cabinet. Milk sugar (egg Edelweiss) stimulates the intestines to naturally and activates both the beneficial intestinal bacteria and the proper motions of the intestine (peristalsis), which provides for better transport of intestinal contents. Start every day with 10 grams; slowly increase the dose to 40 grams.
Dried fruits: Dried plums, figs or apricots to soak the night before, the morning to eat breakfast.
Flax seed: 2 times daily stir in 1-2 tablespoons into yogurt, cereal or stewed. Warning: Flax seed loses its effect if it is not broken, boiled or baked.
Wheat bran: start with 1 tablespoon daily, and then increase on the following days to 3 to 4 tablespoons. Important: Drink plenty of fluids to. Can mix well with cereal, yogurt, bread, cakes, soups and sauces.
Good Morning Cocktail: Before breakfast, drink a glass of cold water or fruit juice. This stimulates the desired reflex in the intestine. Particularly effective: in addition stir one to two tablespoons of milk sugar.
Hot Water Bottle: morning lay on his stomach, so that the stressed-out intestine can relax. Soothing music or yoga relaxes also.
Massage: Even morning massage the abdomen in a clockwise circular motion has a favorable effect on digestion.

What Causes of Memory loss in young adults

Memory loss in young adults
Memory loss in new adults
Memory loss, also known as amnesia can be caused by a number of things for young people. It comes in adolescents to memory loss, if the area of ​​the brain that stores memories is impaired. Memory is allocated to two different categories, including short-term memory and long term memory. Short-term memory is defined as the kind of memory which stores information needed within a few hours. Long-term memory is defined as the kind of memory, which is responsible for remembering procedures and relationships. Depending on the cause of memory loss in young people, one or both types of memory are impaired.

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Psychogenic causes
Some causes of memory loss in young people are classified as psychogenic and also known as psychogenic amnesia. This type of memory loss occurs most often due to depression, schizophrenia or criminal behavior. Psychogenic amnesia is most common after a busy and life-threatening event. Much of the memory losses associated with these causes, are of short duration, but can also be long term in some people.

brain infections
Brain infection can cause memory loss in young people. The most common brain infections include encephalitis (acute inflammation of the brain) and meningitis (occurs when the up cover that protects the spinal cord and the brain, inflamed). Brain infections affecting the brain and can lead to permanent damage. Memory loss related to a brain infection can be short term, long term, or both, depending on various factors such as the level of damage, the age and the severity of the infection.

head trauma
A head trauma in young people can lead to memory loss. Head trauma, also referred to as traumatic brain injury, causes a kind of trauma in the brain. This can lead to many different effects and symptoms, and usually occurs on some sort of memory loss. Many patients with head trauma suffer from short term memory loss and cannot remember the accident that caused her head injury. Depending on the severity of the injury and the extent of the damage and long-term memory loss occurs.

Vitamin B-1 deficiency
Vitamin B-1 deficiency can young people lead to memory loss. B-1 vitamin deficiency, caused by chronic malnutrition and alcoholism, If this is not treated, severe cases can lead to dementia. People with a vitamin B-1 deficiency may recover not complete and may experience short-term and long-term memory loss throughout her life incidents.


Certain drugs may lead to memory loss in young people. People with memory loss, which is caused by drugs, often experience an improvement in their memory if they stop taking the drug. Among the drugs that can cause memory loss in young people, including PCP, LSD and cocaine. To prescription drugs that can cause memory loss in young people, including Drugs, tricycles antidepressants, barbiturates, methyldopa, bromide, ionized, diuretics and dioxin.

Advantages and disadvantages of cloth diapers

What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloth diapers? 
advantages and disadvantages of  diapers
The disposable diaper is a relatively new achievement. On a broad basis, it is available only since 1961. When her inventor applies the US-American Marion O'Brien, but could not market their idea. The disposable diaper has been around for a long development and is constantly improved. Average needs babies and toddlers two and a half years to be dry. Enough time to fill many diapers. Approximately 5,000 times the diapers are changed in that time. About which diapers are best for the child, the environment and everyday use, opinions are divided. Some say that cloth diapers are unbeatable in every way, the other contact of the same size a conviction for the disposable diaper.
Who is right and what diapers are for now better?
Disposable diapers are especially practical. After changing they just land in the diaper pail; and when the emptied often enough, and not worry about lack of hygiene have to make.
Over the years, manufacturers have improved the diapers continuously, both in terms of absorbency as well as in view of practical handling. In general, the diapers are changed very quickly. Most babies feel comfortable, because they are warm and dry.
Disposable diapers are not only very practical for use at home, but also on the go. Unlike cloth diapers, they can be easily disposed of. And also grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors or the child minder, the jump in the diaper change, get along better with the slightly be applied products.
Ever many cloth diapers afraid to use, Especially in the first weeks of life of the infant, if only all of dealing with the baby, the new processes and have to get used hand grips to disposable diapers prove particularly practical: The handling is easier and change the diapers goes much faster.
The advantages of cloth diapers:
The purchase price of cloth diapers is higher than paper diapers. However, the price differential is less with each passing month, as the disposable diapers have to be constantly bought later. In another child, the purchase of cloth diapers of course makes a fortify paid.
The manufacturers of cloth diapers are constantly working to improve their products, Thus the materials (depending on the price class) today soft and breathable.
In the application, many winding systems are just as easy as disposable diapers. You no longer need to be absolutely soaked and washed at 90 ° C, 40 to 60 ° C range from often. And where once more ensured safety pins for the necessary supporting security, today also close Velcro or snap fasteners, the cloth diaper.
Children who are allergic to disposable diapers, are often more familiar with cloth diapers. As for many children fully made cloth diapers unpleasant feel than the disposable alternatives, they are often dry faster.
Those who have more convenient and do not want to wash yourself, you can take a diaper service or assistance. This is at the same time ensuring that always freshly washed diapers in the house.
Based on the advantages of a diaper form disadvantages for the other type Result Therefore, a separate list at this point is not necessary. Everyone needs to best compare for himself the benefits and so decide whether cloth or disposable diapers are the best way.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloth diapers?
Environmental protection is a relevant issue for many families. Especially young families with small children and babies produce comparatively much garbage - about eight million disposable nappies are disposed of per day in Germany. It takes several hundred years, until they are removed. Not to be overlooked are the costs that play a major role.

It can no longer say clearly that cloth diapers are more environmentally friendly than disposable diapers. Diaper manufacturers are always working diligently to ensure that the materials used in disposable diapers are always readily degradable. Used are cloth diapers, they must be washed and dried, which in turn consumes energy, detergent and water.

Add to this, that the cultivation of cotton required pollution arises. So you have to think of complex and all applicable factors weigh accurately. What matters is whether the washing machine, one uses little water and electricity consumed, whether the cloth diapers can be washed at low temperature or whether you hire a diaper service.

Washable diapers cheaper
Cloth diapers are cheaper compared to disposable diapers on each case. If you look at the entire winding period you are able to save 400 to 1000 Euros. Also the visual factor plays in this decision - cloth or disposable diapers - an important role. Meanwhile, there are cloth diapers in every imaginable color to bright pink from blue to purple squares to or even what with Tiger pattern.

The latest technologies that were applied in the preparation make the cloth diapers yet impermeable, they sit and hold much better than previous models, because they are now closed with Velcro or snaps. Cloth diapers today are made of lightweight, fluffy materials and can be easily washed and dried.

Cloth Diapers: Pros and Cons
For the use of cloth diapers speaks, among other things:

The price: They are cheaper than disposable diapers
They are easier to wash and dry quickly
Winding is partially time-consuming than with disposable diapers
Price: You need to invest a larger amount at once
A dryer or enough space to hang up clothes are required
On the go, they can be impractical.

Season fever and natural solution

What is fever? 
As fever an increase in body temperature above the naturally selected "target" temperature also is referred. Fever is a symptom, not a disease in its own. It can occur in a number of different medical conditions. Since the body temperature also fluctuates in healthy people (see below), one speaks only above certain limits of fever: oral measured (i.e. the mouth) means fever an increase in body temperature above 37.8 degrees Celsius (° C), measured rectally (i.e. the anus) until 38.2 ° C.

The body temperature is normally around 37 ° C, whereby the body-core temperature is meant that the temperature inside. Certain areas of the body such as the chest or the brain, it is warmer than other parts of the body. In the thighs and upper arms, the temperature is only between 34 to 36 ° C, in the feet and hands there is an average of 28 ° C or cooler. When measuring the body temperature it is always important to identify the location of the measurement. The auxiliary measurement (i.e. in the armpit) is very unreliable. The body temperature is very different from the normal value; this can have tissue and organ damage. Such a temperature of more than 42.6 ° C is usually fatal.
Mild fever to 39 degrees must not be reduced, because an increased body temperature helps the body fight pathogens. By increasing the temperature of the body weakens pathogens, since viruses, bacteria and other parasites are adjusted to the normal body temperature of 36 to 37 degrees. Fever is thus part of a natural defense process. Only at high and long-lasting fever, the fever should be lowered. When the temperature rises above 40 degrees, or keep the fever for more than 2-3 days, a doctor should always look for the cause and reduce the temperature.

At temperatures 39-40 ° C can reduce the fever with calf wrap or with paracetamol. The cloths are cooled with normal cold tap water and wrapped firmly around the calves of the legs outstretched. In a dry cloth is placed. The Wadenwickel  remain in place for 5 minutes and should be repeated 2 to 3 times. Make sure that you lower the temperature not too surprising, as this could slow down circulation too. It is also important to keep the feet and the rest of the body warm.

People with fever need more liquid than normal. When fever you should drink so much. As a rule of thumb: For every degree above 37 ° C, the body also needs daily one-half to one liter of liquid, preferably water or unsweetened fruit teas. Add this amount to the normal fluid intake, about 1.5 to 2.5 liters per day added.
When fever is an elevated body temperature, which is usually pre-call as a defense reaction of the body against viruses and bacteria. The normal human body temperature is about 36.8 ° C range. One speaks of fever from 37.5 ° C to 41 ° C. At temperatures above 41 ° C measures against the fever should be taken as it can from this temperature to fever shocks and act beyond deadly. Reason: The coagulation of proteins in the body. Fever below 40.0 ° C should always be observed, but is not usually treated with medication, since the body with these elevated Temperature fights against viruses and bacteria. Agents are acting factors lowering the fever as the painkiller paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

Home remedies for fever are not the sole measures to temperatures above 40 ° C, but should bring relief to the general unpleasant situation.

Fever is a positive natural occurrence in the organism to fight off viruses and bacteria.
Body temperatures above 39.5 ° C must be observed and, if necessary, taken action against the fever.
Home remedies for fever bring relief and make the unpleasant situation more bearable.
Home remedies for children with fever
Hot face, glassy eyes and red cheeks are clear signs that your child has a fever. To resort to suppositories Instead, you can fever with proven home remedies for children, such as. Example, a calf wrap and / or pulse winding, lower, But only if it is really necessary.

Throat pain and natural solutions

Throat pain
Home remedies can be used for a sore throat. Most forms of neck pain is a result of a viral infection laryngitis or the common cold, which is associated additionally with cough, runny nose and other symptoms. Sore throat, there are a variety of traditional home remedies from natural medicine, which can be easily prepared and used effectively at home. Medical advice should still be sought, if not improve despite self-treatment discomfort after three to five days or high fever occurs. A strong neck and visible pus Tap the throat should be understood as a sufficient reason for a doctor visit.
A cold neck wrap that remains longer on the neck, takes its own body heat, they dammed and thus acts actually as a heat application. Overnight worn, he is able to relieve pain and inhibit inflammation. To produce a linen cloth is moistened with cold water, folded into a scarf and wrapped around the neck. In another dry cloth and finally a woolen scarf tied.

Does the damp cold wrap for a sufficient effect already, so others swear on the traditional home remedies quark compress for sore throats. This will be a cold, wet winding is additionally coated with fresh curd cheese and wrapped directly with the quark side around the neck.

Those who like the same warm, can mash boiled potatoes and hot wrap it in a cloth. If the mass is cooled down, the potato wrap is tied around the neck. It is - especially for small children - make sure to apply the wrap is not too hot!

To enhance the effect of neck wrap is still recommended, with a handful of marshmallow root to cook flaxseed flour from the health food store in three liters of water for 20 minutes and the mass then crushed to a pulp. Spread on a damp linen cloth and wrapped around the neck, the slurry helps to relieve sore throat and hoarseness.

For sore throat, the throat is dry, irritated and inflamed. Regular gargling, for example, every two hours, moisturizes the sore mucous membrane and brings the active ingredients from the throat solution directly to the scene.

The essential oils of sage have inflammation in the throat, contrary to distribute viruses and bacteria and promote wound healing. Gargle a solution of one teaspoon of sage leaves and a teaspoon of chamomile flowers with 0.5 liters of water is poured over them. After 20 minutes, the liquid can be strained and used for gargling.

The flax, scientifically known as Linum usitatissimus, is an up to 80cm tall-growing plant that has narrow leaves and blue flowers. Their elongated, brown seeds have a mucosa protective effect that we can make use of for sore throats. For this purpose, 1 teaspoon of flaxseed be doused with 0.25 liters of cold water and no heating are twenty minutes left. The screened liquid can be directly used as a gargle.

Sage and chamomile own with their anti-inflammatory and germ-inhibiting effect of neck pain as a tea for internal use. Taking marshmallow root or linseed added, the pharyngeal mucosa is particularly protected. Existence as part of a cold and aching limbs, the mixture can be supplemented with willow bark, whose active ingredients represents the natural example of painkillers such as aspirin. To support the self-healing should also sweat components, such as elderberry or lime blossom, not missing. Best to let in the pharmacy put together a team that suits the acute symptoms.
Berries are mainly due to their vitamin content has always been a popular home remedy for all common colds.

So it is advisable precaution spreads, dessert sauces and juices have been in cold-rich seasons on the menu containing sea buckthorn. Likewise, rose hips, the fruit of the wild rose, often enjoyed as a tea or jam to take advantage of their natural wealth vitamins to increase the body's own forces. How buckthorn helps rosehip, to survive all feverish colds quickly.

Besides the general-enhancing effect of Abwehkräfte blackcurrants have done good service by being mashed and prepared with fresh bottled water for a delicious drink and drunk regularly just like fresh blackberries specifically for sore throat, cough and hoarseness.

Sore throat are already alleviated by regular drinking, that the mucous membranes characterized kept moist and irritation are attenuated. The best is this water that can be drunk in alternation with diluted fruit juices and herbal teas. In addition, several other measures are recommended in natural medicine to strengthen the immune system naturally and so mitigate the disease process or can avoid in the future.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Problem of Broken Nails

Brittle fingernails 
Brittle nails can have many different causes. This ranges from vitamin deficiency on different diseases and even the contact with solvents or alkalies. Sometimes brittle occur, splintering nails without apparent reason to. Read here everything you need for common causes and treatment options of brittle fingernails.
Brittle fingernails estimated to occur in about 20 percent of the population. Women are affected twice as often as men.
From schizophrenia doctors speak when the nail from the free edge of her layered (Carmella) chipping. Possible causes may be, for example, vitamin or iron deficiency, malnutrition, an under-active thyroid, or frequent contact with water and / or chemicals.
Brittle fingernails: Causes and possible diseases
Common causes of brittle fingernails are:
Chemicals: The frequent contact with chemicals such as soaps, dish-washing detergents and or nail polish remover can cause brittle nails.
Vitamin deficiency: Thin, brittle fingernails can be a sign of a lack of vitamin B, vitamin C, biotin, frolic acid or calamine. A lack of vitamin A (retinal) causes dry, splintering, brittle fingernails. Conversely, can make the nails brittle and an overdose of vitamin A.
Mineral deficiency: The reason for brittle nails can also be a calcium deficiency. Come cracks added in the corners of the mouth (fissures), pallor, fatigue, chills, tinnitus and / or headache, anemia may be behind due to iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia).
Skin diseases: Sometimes can be brittle fingernails on a skin condition such as nail fungus, psoriasis (psoriasis), eczema or lichen planes (Lichen Planes) back lead.
Thyroid disease: Both an under-active thyroid (hypothyroidism) and an under-active parathyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) may be responsible for brittle nails. Other diseases of the endocrine system come into question as a cause of brittle nails. This applies especially if other symptoms like shaggy hair, general fatigue, rapid fallibility, sweating, heart palpitations, weight and blood pressure changes or skin dryness added.
Rheumatoid arthritis (chronic poly-arthritis): This chronic inflammatory joint disease is the most common form of rheumatic disease. It can cause, among other lackluster, brittle fingernails, nail growth disorders and small hemorrhages under the nails.
Gyro-static agents: These agents inhibit the growth of cells that reproduce quickly. Chemotherapeutic agents are used primarily in cancer therapy. A possible side effect of chemotherapy can be thin, brittle fingernails.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Simple but most effective Exercise Steps at your home

6 Simple but most effective Exercise Steps at your home

Exercise Steps
Having a shapely body that attracts everyone's attention, who does not want to? In a survey, whether they put on it look good great value, answered 78 percent of surveyed men and women with Yes. This show how important still occupies the exterior in our society. Most people are really happy with your body, if it were not for the problem areas! An eternal battle against flab on the belly, thick thighs or cellulite makes life difficult for us. Very important on this issue for both men and women is a round butt.

But how does one get for a tight rump that looks good both in jeans and in a miniskirt? The good news first, you must not immediately conclude an annual subscription for the gym and spend not your whole workday with training. A few minutes of practice range every day and you can complete the whole comfort of your home.

At home? Yes! Made possible by simple handy and above all effective sports paraphernalia that is it for the living room. You do not need to necessarily buy expensive at the dealer. This exercise equipment you can get now almost everywhere. The prices are then perfectly acceptable and a real competitor to expensive courses in the Hackitude.

But we will now look at the tight bum. The following exercises can be individually but also perform in series. It is important, as with any sport that you warm up before. Only when the muscles warmed and are soft, you start training for a firm bottom. Cause all the exercises that you off fat and build muscle.

Exercise 1 - the Bridge in the supine position 

To begin with the first exercise for a firm bottom, you need an exercise mat or other non-slip surface.

6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step

Step 1
Spread the fitness mat and lay down flat on his back on the floor.
Step 2
Her arms are laterally next to the body. The hands touching the inner surfaces of the ground.
Step 3
Please not forget your legs so that you have a firm grip on the mat.
Step 4
Now lift your butt and the whole basin to form a single line to back, butt and thighs.
Step 5
Hold this position for 5 seconds and then lower the body back.
»Training Loop: approximately 10 times

Exercise 2 - the Bridge in the prone position 

To perform the second exercise for a firm bottom, a fitness mat is also sufficient. Best off sneakers, barefoot you have a better grip.

6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step

Step 1
Lie flat on the floor, this time with the belly down.
Step 2
Support yourself with your toes and set the body on your forearms.
Step 3
With arms and toes you press the entire body upward. Check out this best on the mat, then the spine remains in a straight position.
Step 4
Tighten your butt muscles and pull in his stomach. If possible, remain in this position for at least 30 seconds.
»Training Loop: approximately 5 times

Exercise 3 - Crispy Po with yoga elements 

Even standing, you can ensure a streamlining of the item. Like the exercise at first glance looks quite simple, you will feel the tension from the feet to the neck area.
6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step
Step 1
Set up straight. Again, use a non-slip surface.
Step 2
Now fold your hands in front of chest (yoga pose), so when you wanted to pray, and press them firmly together.
Step 3
Tighten your gluts and go slowly into a crouch.
Step 4
Move your butt now turns to the left and right, without going out of the squat out. The faster you do this exercise, the better.
»Exercise Repeat: up to 3 times

Exercise 4 - Fixed Po thanks to rubber band 

In addition to the already existing exercise mat, a rubber band is now still needed. The aim of this exercise is to streamline the pos exclusively on pure footwork.

6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step

Step 1
Lie down with the right side on the mat. Support yourself with the ulna of the right arm. The left arm is in front of your belly or on the left thigh.
Step 2
The legs remain for the time being superposed. The Band is placed around the soles of the feet or ankles.
Step 3
Now lift the left leg and straighten out while the band. If you find it difficult to keep the body on the arm, you can rest her head on his right hand.
Step 4
The band is now streamlined always in change (min. Hold 2 minutes) and relaxed. Depending on your condition then switch to the left side and start over.
»Exercise repeat: at least 8 times.

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Exercise 5 - strengthens buttocks 

As promised, you can also perform the following exercise easily at home. The already proven mat is used again as a base, Shoes you draw from the best.

6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step

Step 1
Kneel on the floor and support yourself with your hand as if you wanted to walk on all fours.
Step 2
Try to take a posture as straight as possible (belly move, stretched back).
Step 3
Now lift to either the left or right leg. Stretch it until you feel enough tension in the buttocks.
Step 4
Then press the extended leg as far up as you make it. Hold voltage!
Step 5
Hold this position for at least 10 seconds (the longer the more effective) and then switch to the other leg.
»Exercise repeat: at least 10 times on each side.

Exercise 6 - weight shift strengthens the Pomuske

Last but not least then there's an exercise machine into play, which is always greater popularity: the dumbbell. To tighten your butt, but you should lift heavy weights, but arms and legs coordinate so that your buttocks muscles are built of it.
6 toning buttocks exercises at home: step by step
Step 1
Take the dumbbells in hand and set down straight. Spread now one leg forward and the other backward, as if you wanted to go with long strides.
Step 2
The rear leg can be stretched quiet deep, which increases the training effect. Your back stays straight!
Step 3
Hold for a few seconds in this position and then start start moving without moving from the spot. A leg forward, the other to the rear and vice verse, In this case, always make sure that your entire body, especially the buttocks, is live.
Step 4
Simultaneously with the leg movement the arms are swung before with the dumbbells and back. Fast walking describes this exercise probably best.
»Exercise repeat: at least 15 times on each side.

To get a tight butt, ranging from a few exercises every day You hardly need Equipment, can stay at home and save your money for expensive fitness classes. Only the weaker to be overcome, because the will and the time you must have. The effort is worth it, I promise!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Facial Hair Removal

Facial Hair
Hair is a trim but only in the right place. It must not be the same a mustache yes, over which a woman is angry every day. What to bring plucking, creams and platting? Make laser or flash lamps for the skin always smooth?
Very few women are so self-conscious as the actress, the Associate Santa in the television firm. She is committed to its discreet hair where men have a mustache. Here, the facial hair is not so rare: Approximately every sixth woman has more or less above the upper lip increased hair growth, often even in the cheeks and the chin. Women with too much hair on the face usually try to get rid of them, and often while never running costs.
Mostly dark - - For some people, especially the southern, a certain predisposition to heavy hair growth is common. In such normality to establish itself veritable cultural rights, hair removal becomes a social event. Thus, Turkish women meet today to cozy round.
The classic wax strips or solidifying sugar solutions are, however, increasingly replaced by more modern there, less painful methods and that requires going to the doctor's office or beauty salon. Although this is less comfortable and enjoyable, but promises longer lasting successes in luck forever.
When to see a doctor
If there is already in the family women with facial hair, a doctor at this predisposition cannot change anything. We now know that fathers who get early bald, her daughters often increased hair growth (hirsute) inherit. The reason is usually a pronounced hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to testosterone. And on the other hand you can currently only limited do something.
However, it can also be an overproduction of male hormone that the reason for increased hair growth: To develop and strengthen in adolescence clear signs of masculinity in men and also in women like hair on belly and legs, or facial hair. Whether a woman has actually noticed an excess of male hormone, a specialist in hormonal issues, an endocrinologist, clarify. Ask your family doctor or the Professional Association of German endocrinologist, Phone 0 30/85 95 36 12th
In principle, the excessive hair growth can be disturbing with anti-androgens, thus reducing anti-masculinity hormones. Ant androgens have side effects. They can, if they are taken too early, affect ovarian function and impair the performance of a subsequent wish for children at least.
A case for the doctor is also present when the hair growth in adulthood changed noticeably. If he is for example, more or grows in places fixed hair, where it was previously only fluffs, Such increased hair growth is usually not only on the upper lip, but also in the chin area. Also on the fingers can delicate hairs gradually become thicker and after the pubic hair, for example, can pull him up to the navel.
Behind it, a reaction stuck on certain medications, a trigger for increased hair growth, for example cortisone. However, a significant change of body hair in adulthood may also be an indication of disease as a dysfunction of the ovaries or adrenal cortex or example, ovarian cysts. A tumor is not excluded.

get rid of hairs

In principle there are three ways to get rid of hairs on the face:

1. They are cuts on the skin surface (depilation).
2. They tear out (expiation).
3. It destroys the hair root and tries to further hair growth at this point to prevent forever.

There is no guarantee that the methods actually achieve their objective even if every single hairs and prevent further hair growth but does not give serious practitioner. They emphasize that the unwanted hair growth "under treatment is significantly less fails to completely". Who asked about benefits and risks of all the different methods, often get contradictory information. A comparative study with long-term experience is currently not available for that reason, because lasers are used for hair removal only for a comparatively short time; the success of control on the other hand needs some time. Moreover, new methods come on the market.

Whether a laser treatment is useful or not rather depends on the hair and skin type. As with the so-called flash lamp, the use is limited to dark hair with light skin which excludes a non-small circle of people.


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